Remote and Isolated FAQ
The DoD policy on designating installations as remote and isolated is contained in Enclosure 7 of DoDI 1015.10, "Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs."  
Per Enclosure 7 of DoDI 1015.10:

a. Certain installations with Category C programs may not be capable of self-sufficiency due to extenuating circumstances. Installations that ultimately are included on the remote and isolated list, however, must have special circumstances that genuinely require additional APF assistance to continue their Category C programs.

b. Category C programs at installations designated as remote and isolated for MWR program purposes are generally authorized the same type of funding as Category B programs. These exemptions are allowed because these locations are isolated or are exceptional due to conditions that make them very similar to remote and isolated locations.
Submit all pertinent documentation, through appropriate Military Department channels, to the ASD(M&RA) and the MWR and Resale Policy office for review and approval.  POC: Michael Curtis, 571-372-6633,
Yes.  The listing is available here.
Remote and Isolated Request Template
Remote and Isolated Designated Installation Listing